
CANDY CRUSH SAGA~~virus or value??

the clock shows almost 1 am ..another new day is already started!! 
it is a lovely, barakah FRIDAY....ibu segala hari....:)

tgh duduk-duduk tgk tv, handphone mmg sentiase kt tgn kan...online bisness la katenyer...x leh lekang dr 2nd life which is my mr.whitey HTC 

tetibe ade notification kt FB ting tong,..ting tong..
rupe2 nyer...
"CANDY CRUSH SAGA: ms xx, mr xx and 2 others send u requests'

haaaa..jgn nk tipu xmain game nie yer sebab yg xmain tue mmg la kene keluar dr bawah tempurung ..smpai memalam mcm nie org main candy crush saga kan...

tetibe senyum sekejap...teringat mase noly tgh addicted main candy crush dulu..

Ya Allah..mmg berhantu betol game candy crush nie...sekali terjebak, mmg kritikal..
klu penyakit tue, da kire mcm sakit cancer la....hahaha..
i love the see when all the candys blow up!! and dissapear!!sounds die pon interesting kan..

ITS LIKE A VIRUS GAME ! sape2 yg main je tau why i called it a VIRUS...
sape2 yg xpernah main game nie, jgn la cube2 yer...sgt2 merbahaya..

nk tau x kenape??klu u all da mula main game nie. semua bende xjadi k..mmg lagho la org kater..

**yg xtidur malam pon ade ( a self talk)..haha
**ade yg smpai terbayang2 candy crush mase naik tren...betol x..hihi
**ade jugak yg gune bahase2 candy crush dlm conversation harian dgn collegue!
**ade yg letak name group candy crush taw..haha (kenangan mase team building )
n mcm2 lg la penangan candy crush nie..mmg xleyh nk lupe...now stuck da kt level 107..haha...syabas for me!

haha..now time kene arrange for other BIGGER things than game..
need to put my focus on it!

but what can I discover dr game CANDY CRUSH nie..

**it help us to be creative on how to finish the level to go for higher level**
~~in real life, if we have problems, we need to settle it down instead of running away from it..if we still xsettle kan masalah tue, another prob akn dtg and we will get stuck! we already have two problems at one time!

**spirit of a fighter
u all perasan x main candy crush n kite akn bersaing dgn kawan2 FB kite yg lain..lagi2 la klu org tu mmg member close kite dlm FB...semua nk chase level and nk ade kt ats dr kwn kita td...mmg kite fight untuk naik ke level seterusnya..klu kite da ade kt ats, kite akn rase puas hati..
~~this one mmg kite kene apply dlm real life...if u wanna something more than anyone selse, u need to work harder and stay focus..put your effort and commitment, sure akn ade kt ats..

**above all, the most important thing is the LIVES!!
~~ dlm game nie kite ade 5 lives je yg kene fully used..klu da habes lives, kene tunggu sejam la nk penuhkan lives then bru boleh main semula...
so in real life this lives ibarat mcm peluang kite...
setiap peluang yg datang kita kene gunakan sebaik mungkin dan perlu bijak untuk merangka strategik dan cara yg betul untuk mencapai matlamat kita..

alhamdulillah... untill now noly mmg rase bertuah sgt sebab peluang yg dtg dlm hidup nie noly sentiase gunakan sebaik mungkin..terutamanya PELUANG BUSINESS bersama TOP LEADERS CIRCLE..

ok, need to wrap up for another challenging day...;)
good nite darls..

noly 0107607302

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