

for this entry, i love to share with all of u pasal BB Plus Collagen yg super best nih!!
mmg btol best...kalau xcaye, xkan ramai yg da guna and ciap repeat order lg tuh....haaa...klu nk kulit licin bak porcelain, mmg kene cuba BB Plus Collagen nie...

yesss!!! this is real testimoni fom me..hihi...now i become a bestfren of BB Plus collagen nie...
sblm nie mmg kulit muka I ada masalh jerawat yg susah sgt nk hilang since sekolah menengah...ive spend so much on skincare ...xkire yg mahal or yg murah..smpai adik I sendiri pon mmg xtau nk ckp ape da coz kakak die ni mmg suka sgt tukar-tukar skincare...

so stress and you will feel demotivated to face people with your skin problem...i really understand how the feeling is...lagi2 kalau kerja u jenis yg facing people kan...

Now, I bersyukur sgt2 pd Allah dipertemukan dgn BB Plus Collagen nie...since the first day consume pon I dpt rase perbezaan the next day...

kulit I jenis cerah but oily and scrars tue xyah nk ckp la kan..mmg I jenis yg suka picit jerawat...hihi...padan muke kan...

if u consume before sleep, u will feel different the next day..the collagen helps u during your day out...it works from within..

As for me, after consume a box of BB Plus, I notice an improvement to my skin:
* less oily
*skin tone sekate
*less pimples breakout (if breakout pon cepat kering)
*kulit lembab
*notice that my lips x kering da
*kulit makin cerah
*pagi2 mesti cari toilet (penghadaman improved !!)
*muka fresh and glowing

hihi...this is what I got from consuming BB Plus Collagen...if u had tried so many skincare before, I did advice u to consume BB Plus as well..
I pon mmg da give up gune skincare but still kulit bermasalah..then I decide why not to try something that works from within rather than try so hard on skincare...

sometimes mmg tindak bals orang n lain2..but so far as I concern, my frens yg consume BB Plus n mmg kulit dorg xd masalh n nmpak awet muda jek...ish2...

this is how BB Plus Collagen works for u...

BB Plus  dihasilkan daripada collagen ikan terhidrolisis daripada laut dalam. Terdapat ekstrak biji anggur, vitamin-C, Apple Fiber serta Russel juice powder di dalam BB Plus Collagen dan ia sesuai diambil oleh pengidap kencing manis kerana kandungan gula ringkas (Inulin, Isomaltulos & sukrosa) tidak akan meningkatkan kadar kandungan gula dalam darah. 
nanti I akn share my father's testimoni who is a Diabetes survivor yg consume BB Plus nie..

BB Plus Collagen sesuai diambil oleh semua golongan lelaki dan wanita. Cara meminum BB plus Collagen nie ialah dengan membancuhnya ke dalam air bersuhu bilik/air sejuk (jgn sekali2 air panas yer). Sesuai diambil ketika perut kosong pada waktu pagi atau malam sebelum masuk tidur. 

Now ade promotion buy 3 free 1 taw..so kene grab peluang nie cepat2...mmg untung beli 3,percuma 1 coz harge mmg berbaloi2...

ctc me for discount and consultation!! if sape2 nk tambah income, dropship is welcome and nk jd pengedar pon boleh...sure income masyukkk!!

u can generate up to rm 300++ per day!!
ctc me for further info...
love, noly, 0107607302

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