

This is a real testimoni of my own father who sufferred from Diabetes and he had been operated due to infection.

mmg sedih sgt2 bile mengenangkan nasib abh...since this while, kaki nie la yg keluar bekerja hari2 utk mencari rezeki membesarkan anak2...

but now abh xboleh nk jalan mcm biase coz his leg baru kene operate and it takes time to recover..
n yg paling sedih, abh xd ibu jari kaki kanan da coz doktor claim mmg xdpt nk diselamatkan...jari da busuk n sel daging da infected...so we just berserah pada takdir Allah..

but syukur alhamdulillah....ibu jari kaki abh je yg kene potong...bcoz mse dtg hospital kaki abh sgt2 bengkak n berbau..we thought that the leg kene potong....syukur sgt2 ya Allah..

this was happened 1 day before raya Aidilfitri and raye tahun n mmg bersejarah...
we as children pon mmg xsmbut sgt coz sedih dgn keadaan abh..

but for me, i will never shows my sadness or how i feel towards him coz I believe that sick people, they need positive aura to recover faster....
so mmg I bg kata2 semangat n buat abh happy sokmo..n selalu ckp kt my abh that this is just a small matter and he can going through it easily..
(pdhal dlm hati duk risau memanjang)

so if u all ad family member yg sakit, jgn sesekali tunjuk sedih or negatif aura...nnt org yg sakit tue, bertambah sakit....so always be positive in whatever circumstances!!

he had been admitted 1 a week b4 raya and the operation was successfully done 1 day b4 raye...we celebrated the whole 1st day raye with him at hospital Temerloh..
such an amazing experience i think!!!hihihi...berkelah di hospital la kami sekeluarga...

abh had been operated 3 times sbb nanah still ad dalam kaki n doktor says he need to make sure yg kaki abh betol2 xd nanah, then bru boleh keluar..

so, 26.8.2013, abh da bole keluar but kene pegi klinik setiap hari untuk cuci luka...n we all mmg tkot nk buat sendiri kt rumah coz tkot xhygiene n tkot infection lain...

so I spend my time for abh accompany him to clinic everyday...alhamdulillah sbb I do this business and i can do my part as a daughter!!thats why i love this business soo much!! semuanya da diatur sgt baik oleh Allah..tq Ya Allah..

and......for abh, I will do anything to make sure he can recover within a short time...
alhamdulillah sekali lagi coz I ade business n, n my company mmg ade produk yg bagus untuk pesakit kencing manis...

so I decide untuk bagi abah:

GARAM BULUH-this will reduce the sugar level and for detoxification process

BIOEVER NANO CREAM- this cream contains Pegaga which stimulates the recovery of wound and collagen systhesis. so mmg luka cpt sembuh. dlm cream n jgk ade wild yam and kacang soya yg mengandungi komponen aktif yg boleh ditukar kepada phytohormon yg mirip dgn aktiviti hormion badan. cream n bersaiz nano, so mmg easily penetrates into your blood stream and akn bertindak tepat pada komponen bdn yg memerlukan....highly recmmended!!

BB PLUS COLLAGEN-this collagen contains peptida kolagen terhidrolisis drpada ikan tilapia laut dalam.konsep pemulihan adalah  repair, rebuild and renew...so mmg cepat menyembuhan luka akn berlaku..

so 3 bende n mmg suruh abh pakai n minum..setiap pagi abh akn minum GARAM BULUH, 1 SACHET, n then lepas cuci letak CREAM BIOEVER, n mlm sblm tdo,MINUM BB PLUS COLLAGEN..

now alhamdulillah luka mmg sgt cepat tumbuh daging baru, n luka mengering dan mengecil..

U KNOW WHT HAPPEN???on 17.9.2013, abh ade appointment dengan pakar hospital temerloh..
suprisingly, mase dr pakar checked, he thought that abh punye luka n da 6 bulan taw..n he claims that it will take a longer time to recover...

but mase tue mmg abh bru SEBULAN keluar hospital!!!nmpak x bese SEBULAN dgn  6 BULAN???
n doktor pon terkejut when i said bru sebulan coz doktor pon tgk progress abh sgt2 cepat n baik...syukur sgt2...

dengan bantuan ubt yg berkesan dan izin Allah, luka abh semakin sembuh sekarang...n he is getting better now..
so sape2 yg ada parents or family members or frens yg ad masalh mcm nie, noly xsegan silu utk share pengalaman dan produk nie dgn korang semua..

PARENTS kite xd gantinyer k...duet kite boleh cari..biar kita berhabisan untuk mereka kerana ganjaran yg Allah bg lg besar dr nilai wang ringgit kite...

These 3 items is not expensive.. believe me!! the cost is around rm300++..
hope u all doakan my father cepat sembuh yer...

do  ctc me if u need more in formation on this k..i will always wiliing to share..
noly, 0107607302

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